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作者:张国庆 点击数: 时间:2023-12-18


报告主题Path-dependent constrained multiagent system control with applications in UAV path-following formation (路径依赖约束下多智能体系统控制及其在无人机编队任务中的应用)


会议地点:大连海事大学 航海楼321会议室

报告摘要Constrained nonlinear systems, with output or state constraints, have been investigated for over a decade. However, all existing works only consider the system constraints as constant or time-varying sets. In many applications that involve autonomous vehicles, the constraints can be path-dependent, instead of being merely constants or time-varying functions. In this talk, we first discuss the differences between the path-following and the more well-known trajectory-tracking problems. Then, we will present our latest works on path-dependent constrained formation control for a team of UAVs. We show that under the proposed novel path-following formation scheme, path-dependent constraint requirements will be guaranteed during the entire operation. In the end, a simulation example on a team of UAVs is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme.



Copyright:大连海事大学航海学院 (2014) Navigation College of Dalian Maritime University
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